Best Paper Awards (IJCAI)


Posted by pxzhang on January 11, 2019
Year Title Authors
2018 Reasoning about Consensus when Opinions Diffuse through Majority Dynamics Vincenzo Auletta, University of Salerno
Diodato Ferraioli, University of Salerno
Gianluigi Greco, University of Calabria
2018 SentiGAN: Generating Sentimental Texts via Mixture Adversarial Networks Ke Wang & Xiaojun Wan, Peking University
2018 From Conjunctive Queries to Instance Queries in Ontology-Mediated Querying Cristina Feier, University of Bremen
Carsten Lutz, University of Bremen
Frank Wolte, University of Liverpool
2018 What game are we playing? End-to-end learning in normal and extensive form games Chun Kai Ling, Carnegie Mellon University
Fei Fang, Carnegie Mellon University
J. Zico Kolter, Carnegie Mellon University
2018 Commonsense Knowledge Aware Conversation Generation with Graph Attention Hao Zhou, Tsinghua University
Tom Young, Beijing Institute of Technology
Minlie Huang, Tsinghua University
Haizhou Zhao, Sogou Inc.
Jingfang Xu, Sogou Inc.
Xiaoyan Zhu, Tsinghua University
2018 R-SVM+: Robust Learning with Privileged Information Xue Li, Wuhan University
Bo Du, Wuhan University
Chang Xu, University of Sydney
Yipeng Zhang, Wuhan University
Lefei Zhang, Wuhan University
Dacheng Tao, University of Sydney
2018 A Degeneracy Framework for Graph Similarity Giannis Nikolentzos, École Polytechnique
Polykarpos Meladianos, Athens University of Economics and Business
Stratis Limnios, École Polytechnique
Michalis Vazirgiannis, École Polytechnique
2017 Foundations of Declarative Data Analysis Using Limit Datalog Programs Mark Kaminski, University of Oxford
Bernardo Cuenca Grau, University of Oxford
Egor V. Kostylev, University of Oxford
Boris Motik, University of Oxford
Ian Horrocks, University of Oxford
2016 Hierarchical Finite State Controllers for Generalized Planning Javier Segovia, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Sergio Jiménez, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Anders Jonsson, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
2015 Bayesian Active Learning for Posterior Estimation Kirthevasan Kandasamy, Carnegie Mellon University
Jeff Schneider, Carnegie Mellon University
Barnabas Poczos, Carnegie Mellon University
2015 Recursive Decomposition for Nonconvex Optimization Abram L. Friesen & Pedro Domingos, University of Washington
2013 Bayesian Optimization in High Dimensions via Random Embeddings Ziyu Wang, University of British Columbia
Masrour Zoghi, University of Amsterdam
Frank Hutter, Freiberg University
David Matheson, University of British Columbia
Nando de Freitas, University of British Columbia
2013 Flexibility and Decoupling in the Simple Temporal Problem Michel Wilson, Delft University of Technology
Tomas Klos, Delft University of Technology
Cees Witteveen, Delft University of Technology
Bob Huisman, Delft University of Technology
2011 Unweighted Coalitional Manipulation Under the Borda Rule is NP-Hard Nadja Betzler, Technische Universität Berlin
Rolf Niedermeier, Technische Universität Berlin
Gerhard J. Woeginger, Technische Universität Eindhoven
2011 Nested Rollout Policy Adaptation for Monte Carlo Tree Search Christopher D. Rosin, Parity Computing
2011 On the Decidability of Connectedness Constraints in 2D and 3D Euclidean Spaces Roman Kontchakov, Birkbeck College London
Yavor Nenov, University of Manchester
Ian Pratt-Hartmann, University of Manchester
Michael Zakharyaschev, Birkbeck College London
2009 Consequence-Driven Reasoning for Horn SHIQ Ontologies Yevgeny Kazakov, University of Oxford
2009 Learning Conditional Preference Networks with Queries Frederic Koriche, Université Montpellier II
Bruno Zanuttini, Université de Caen Basse-Normandie
2007 Automated Heart Wall Motion Abnormality Detection From Ultrasound Images using Bayesian Networks Maleeha Qazi, Siemens Medical Solutions
Glenn Fung, Siemens Medical Solutions
Sriram Krishnan, Siemens Medical Solutions
Romer Rosales, Siemens Medical Solutions
Harald Steck, Siemens Medical Solutions
R. Bharat Rao, Siemens Medical Solutions
Don Polderman, Erasmus University Medical Center
Dhanalakshmi Chandrasekaran, No Affiliation
2007 Building Structure into Local Search for SAT Duc Nghia Pham, Griffith University
John Thornton, Griffith University
Abdul Sattar, Griffith University
2007 Performance Analysis of Online Anticipatory Algorithms for Large Multistage Stochastic Integer Programs Luc Mercier & Pascal Van Hentenryck, Brown University
2005 Learning Coordination Classifiers Yuhong Guo, University of Alberta
Russell Greiner, University of Alberta
Dale Schuurmans, University of Alberta
2005 Solving Checkers Jonathan Schaeffer, University of Alberta
Yngvi Bjornsson, University of Alberta
Neil Burch, University of Alberta
Akihiro Kishimoto, University of Alberta
Martin Muller, University of Alberta
Robert Lake, University of Alberta
Paul Lu, University of Alberta
Steve Sutphen, University of Alberta
2005 A Probabilistic Model of Redundancy in Information Extraction Doug Downey, University of Washington
Oren Etzioni, University of Washington
Stephen Soderland, University of Washington
2003 Approximating Game-Theoretic Optimal Strategies for Full-scale Poker Darse Billings, University of Alberta
Neil Burch, University of Alberta
Aaron Davidson, University of Alberta
Robert Holte, University of Alberta
Jonathan Schaeffer, University of Alberta
Terence Schauenberg, University of Alberta
Duane Szafron, University of Alberta
2003 Thin Junction Tree Filters for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Mark A. Paskin, University of California Berkeley
2001 Complexity Results for Structure-Based Causality Thomas Eiter & Thomas Lukasiewicz, Vienna University of Technology
1999 Learning in Natural Language Dan Roth, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
1999 A Distributed Case-Based Reasoning Application for Engineering Sales Support Ian Watson, University of Salford
Dan Gardingen, Western Air
1997 Object Identification in a Bayesian Context Timothy Huang & Stuart Russell, University of California Berkeley
1997 Translingual Information Retrieval: A Comparative Evaluation Jaime G. Carbonell, Carnegie Mellon University
Yiming Yang, Carnegie Mellon University
Robert E. Frederking, Carnegie Mellon University
Ralf D. Brown, Carnegie Mellon University
Yibing Geng, Carnegie Mellon University
Danny Lee, Carnegie Mellon University
1997 Applications of the Situation Calculus to Formalizing Control and Strategic Information: The Prolog Cut Operator Fangzhen Lin, The Hongkong University of Science and Technology