Best Paper Awards (ICSE)


Posted by pxzhang on January 11, 2019
Year Title Authors
2018 Large-Scale Analysis of Framework-Specific Exceptions in Android Apps Lingling Fan, East China Normal University
Ting Su, Nanyang Technological University
Sen Chen, East China Normal University
Guozhu Meng, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Yang Liu, Nanyang Technological University
Lihua Xu, East China Normal University
Geguang Pu, East China Normal University
Zhendong Su, University of California
2018 Generalized Data Structure Synthesis Calvin Loncaric, University of Washington
Michael D. Ernst, University of Washington
Emina Torlak, University of Washington
2018 Static Automated Program Repair for Heap Properties Rijnard van Tonder & Claire Le Goues, Carnegie Mellon University
2018 Towards Optimal Concolic Testing Xinyu Wang, Zhejiang University
Jun Sun, Singapore University of Technology and Design
Zhenbang Chen, National University of Defense Technology
Peixin Zhang, Zhejiang University
Jingyi Wang, Singapore University of Technology and Design
Yun Lin, National University of Singapore
2018 Spatio-Temporal Context Reduction: A Pointer-Analysis-Based Static Approach for Detecting Use-After-Free Vulnerabilities Hua Yan, University of New South Wales
Yulei Sui, University of Technology Sydney
Shiping Chen, CSIRO
Jingling Xue, University of New South Wales
2018 Identifying Design Problems in the Source Code: A Grounded Theory Leonardo Sousa, PUC-Rio
Anderson Oliveira, PUC-Rio
Willian Oizumi, PUC-Rio
Simone Barbosa, PUC-Rio
Alessandro Garcia, PUC-Rio
Jaejoon Lee, Lancaster University
Marcos Kalinowski, PUC-Rio
Rafael de Mello, PUC-Rio
Baldoino Fonseca, UFAL
Roberto Oliveira, PUC-Rio
Carlos Lucena, PUC-Rio
Rodrigo Paes, PUC-Rio
2018 Traceability in the Wild: Automatically Augmenting Incomplete Trace links Michael Rath, Technical University Ilmenau
Jacob Rendall, University of Notre Dame
Jin L. C. Guo, McGill University
Jane Cleland-Huang, University of Notre Dame
Patrick Mäder, Technical University Ilmenau
2018 Automated Localization for Unreproducible Builds Zhilei Ren, Dalian University of Technology
He Jiang, Dalian University of Technology
Jifeng Xuan, Wuhan University
Zijiang Yang, Western Michigan University
2017 Decoding the representation of code in the brain: An fMRI study of code review and expertise Benjamin Floyd, University of Virginia
Tyler Santander, University of Virginia
Westley Weimer, University of Virginia
2017 Code Defenders: Crowdsourcing Effective Tests and Subtle Mutants with a Mutation Testing Game José Miguel Rojas, The University of Sheffield
Thomas D. White, The University of Sheffield
Benjamin S. Clegg, The University of Sheffield
Gordon Fraser, The University of Sheffield
2017 Clone Refactoring with Lambda Expressions Nikolaos Tsantalis, Concordia University
Davood Mazinanian, Concordia University
Shahriar Rostami, Concordia University
2017 Optimizing Test Placement for Module-Level Regression Testing August Shi, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Suresh Thummalapenta, Microsoft Corporation
Shuvendu K. Lahiri, Microsoft Research
Nikolaj Bjorner, Microsoft Research
Jacek Czerwonka, Microsoft Corporation
2017 A Grounded Theory of Agile Transitions in Practice Rashina Hoda, The University of Auckland
James Noble Victoria, University of Wellington
2017 Challenges for Static Analysis of Java Reflection-Literature Review and Empirical Study Davy Landman, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica
Alexander Serebrenik, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica
Jurgen J. Vinju, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica
2016 Feedback-Directed Instrumentation for Deployed JavaScript Applications Magnus Madsen, University of Waterloo
Frank Tip, Samsung Research
Esben Andreasen, Aarhus University
Koushik Sen, University of California Berkeley
Anders Møller, Aarhus University
2016 From Word Embeddings to Document Similarities for Improved Information Retrieval in Software Engineering Xin Ye, Ohio University Athens
Hui Shen, Ohio University Athens
Xiao Ma, Ohio University Athens
Razvan Bunescu, Ohio University Athens
Chang Liu, Ohio University Athens
2016 On the Techniques We Create, the Tools We Build, and Their Misalignments: A Study of KLEE Eric F. Rizzi, Grammatech
Sebastian Elbaum, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Matthew B. Dwyer, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
2016 Work Practices and Challenges in Pull-Based Development: The Contributor’s Perspective Georgios Gousios, Radboud University Nijmegen
Margaret-Anne Storey, University of Victoria
Alberto Bacchelli, Delft University of Technology
2016 Termination-Checking for LLVM Peephole Optimizations David Menendez & Santosh Nagarakatte, Rutgers University
2016 Guiding Dynamic Symbolic Execution toward Unverified Program Executions Maria Christakis, ETH Zurich
Peter Müller, ETH Zurich
Valentin Wüstholz, ETH Zurich
2016 Efficient Large-Scale Trace Checking Using MapReduce Marcello M. Bersani, Politecnico di Milano
Domenico Bianculli, University of Luxembourg
Carlo Ghezzi, Politecnico di Milano
Srđan Krstić, Politecnico di Milano
Pierluigi San Pietro, Politecnico di Milano
2016 VDTest: An Automated Framework to Support Testing for Virtual Devices Tingting Yu, University of Kentucky
Xiao Qu, ABB Corporate Research
Myra B. Cohen, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
2016 Energy Profiles of Java Collections Classes Samir Hasan, Auburn University
Zachary King, Auburn University
Munawar Hafiz, Auburn University
Mohammed Sayagh, Polytechnique Montréal
Bram Adams, Polytechnique Montréal
Abram Hindle, University of Alberta
2015 Alloy*: A General-Purpose Higher-Order Relational Constraint Solver Aleksandar Milicevic, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Joseph P. Near, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Eunsuk Kang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Daniel Jackson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2015 How Much Up-Front? A Grounded theory of Agile Architecture Michael Waterman, Specialised Architecture Services Ltd
James Noble, Victoria University of Wellington
George Allan, Victoria University of Wellington
2015 Views on Internal and External Validity in Empirical Software Engineering Janet Siegmund, University of Passau
Norbert Siegmund, University of Passau
Sven Apel, University of Passau
2015 Why Good Developers Write Bad Code: An Observational Case Study of the Impacts of Organizational Factors on Software Quality Mathieu Lavallée & Pierre N. Robillard, Polytechnique Montréal
2015 When and Why Your Code Starts to Smell Bad Michele Tufano, College of William and Mary
Fabio Palomba, University of Salerno
Gabriele Bavota, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
Rocco Oliveto, University of Molise
Massimiliano Di Penta, University of Sannio
Andrea De Lucia, University of Salerno
Denys Poshyvanyk, College of William and Mary
2015 CARAMEL: Detecting and Fixing Performance Problems That Have Non-Intrusive Fixes Adrian Nistor, Chapman University
Po-Chun Chang, University of Wisconsin
Cosmin Radoi, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Shan Lu, University of Chicago
2014 Characterizing and Detecting Performance Bugs for Smartphone Applications Yepang Liu, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Chang Xu, Nanjing University
Shing-Chi Cheung, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
2014 Improving Automated Source Code Summarization via an Eye-Tracking Study of Programmers Paige Rodeghero, University of Notre Dame
Collin McMillan, University of Notre Dame
Paul W. McBurney, University of Notre Dame
Nigel Bosch, University of Notre Dame
Sidney D’Mello, University of Notre Dame
2014 Understanding JavaScript Event-Based Interactions Saba Alimadadi, University of British Columbia
Sheldon Sequeira, University of British Columbia
Ali Mesbah, University of British Columbia
Karthik Pattabiraman, University of British Columbia
2014 Coverage Is Not Strongly Correlated with Test Suite Effectiveness Laura Inozemtseva & Reid Holmes, University of Waterloo
2014 Cowboys, Ankle Sprains, and Keepers of Quality: How Is Video Game Development Different from Software Development Emerson Murphy-Hill, North Carolina State University
Thomas Zimmermann, Microsoft Research
Nachiappan Nagappan, Microsoft Research
2014 Trading Robustness for Maintainability: An Empirical Study of Evolving C# Programs Nélio Cacho, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte
Thiago César, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte
Thomas Filipe, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte
Eliezio Soares, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte
Arthur Cassio, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte
Rafael Souza, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte
Israel Garcia, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte
Eiji Adachi Barbosa, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro
Alessandro Garcia, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro
2014 Unit Test Virtualization with VMVM Jonathan Bell & Gail Kaiser, Columbia University
2014 Enhancing Symbolic Execution with Veritesting Thanassis Avgerinos, Carnegie Mellon University
Alexandre Rebert, Carnegie Mellon University
Sang Kil Cha, Carnegie Mellon University
David Brumley, Carnegie Mellon University
2014 A Study and Toolkit for Asynchronous Programming in C# Semih Okur, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
David L. Hartveld, Delft University of Technology
Danny Dig, Oregon State University
Arie van Deursen, Delft University of Technology
2013 Dual Ecological Measures of Focus in Software Development Daryl Posnett, University of California Davis
Raissa D’Souza, University of California Davis
Premkumar Devanbu, University of California Davis
Vladimir Filkov, University of California Davis
2013 Data Clone Detection and Visualization in Spreadsheets Felienne Hermans, Delft University of Technology
Ben Sedee, Delft University of Technology
Martin Pinzger, Delft University of Technology
Arie van Deursen, Delft University of Technology
UML in Practice Marian Petre, Open University
2013 Automatic patch generation learned from human-written patches Dongsun Kim, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Jaechang Nam, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Jaewoo Song, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Sunghun Kim, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
2013 Assisting Developers of Big Data Analytics Applications When Deploying on Hadoop Clouds Weiyi Shang, Queen’s University
Zhen Ming Jiang, Queen’s University
Hadi Hemmati, Queen’s University
Bram Adams, Polytechnique Montréal
Ahmed E. Hassan, Queen’s University
Patrick Martin, Queen’s University
2013 Interaction-Based Test-Suite Minimization Dale Blue, IBM
Itai Segall, IBM Research
Rachel Tzoref-Brill, IBM Research
Aviad Zlotnick, IBM Research
2012 Understanding Integer Overflow in C/C++ Will Dietz, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Peng Li, University of Utah
John Regehr, University of Utah
Vikram Adve, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2012 Using Dynamic Analysis to Discover Polynomial and Array Invariants ThanhVu Nguyen, University of New Mexico
Deepak Kapur, University of New Mexico
Westley Weimer, University of New Mexico
Stephanie Forrest, University of New Mexico
2012 Amplifying Tests to Validate Exception Handling Code Pingyu Zhang & Sebastian Elbaum, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
2012 Partial Models: Towards Modeling and Reasoning with Uncertainty Michalis Famelis, University of Toronto
Rick Salay, University of Toronto
Marsha Chechik, University of Toronto
2012 How Do Professional Developers Comprehend Software? Tobias Roehm, Technische Universität München
Rebecca Tiarks, University of Bremen
Rainer Koschke, University of Bremen
Walid Maalej, Technische Universität München
2012 A Tactic-Centric Approach for Automating Traceability of Quality Concerns Mehdi Mirakhorli, DePaul University
Yonghee Shin, DePaul University
Jane Cleland-Huang, DePaul University
Murat Cinar, DePaul University
2012 Automated Detection of Client-State Manipulation Vulnerabilities Anders Møller & Mathias Schwarz, Aarhus University
2011 Verifying Multi-threaded Software using SMT-based Context-Bounded Model Checking Lucas Cordeiro & Bernd Fischer, University of Southampton
2011 Configuring Global Software Teams: A Multi-Company Analysis of Project Productivity, Quality, and Profits Narayan Ramasubbu, Singapore Management University
Marcelo Cataldo, Carnegie Mellon University
Rajesh Krishna Balan, Singapore Management University
James D. Herbsleb, Carnegie Mellon University
2011 Programs, tests, and oracles: the foundations of testing revisited Matt Staats, University of Minnesota
Michael W. Whalen, University of Minnesota
Mats P.E. Heimdahl, University of Minnesota
2011 On-demand Feature Recommendations Derived from Mining Public Product Descriptions Horatiu Dumitru, DePaul University
Marek Gibiec, DePaul University
Negar Hariri, DePaul University
Jane Cleland-Huang, DePaul University
Bamshad Mobasher, DePaul University
Carlos Castro-Herrera, DePaul University
Mehdi Mirakhorli, DePaul University
2011 Run-Time Efficient Probabilistic Model Checking Antonio Filieri, Politecnico di Milano
Carlo Ghezzi, Politecnico di Milano
Giordano Tamburrelli, Politecnico di Milano
2010 A Machine Learning Approach for Tracing Regulatory Codes to Product Specific Requirements Jane Cleland-Huang, DePaul University
Adam Czauderna, DePaul University
John Emenecker, DePaul University
Marek Gibiec, DePaul University
2010 Collaborative Reliability Prediction of Service-Oriented Systems Zibin Zheng & Michael R. Lyu, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2010 A Cut-off Approach for Bounded Verification of Parameterized Systems Qiusong Yang & Mingshu Li, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2010 Test Generation through Programming in UDITA Milos Gligoric, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Tihomir Gvero, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Vilas Jagannath, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Sarfraz Khurshid, University of Texas at Austin
Viktor Kuncak, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Darko Marinov, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2010 A Degree-of-Knowledge Model to Capture Source Code Familiarity Thomas Fritz, University of British Columbia
Jingwen Ou, University of British Columbia
Gail C. Murphy, University of British Columbia
Emerson Murphy-Hill, University of British Columbia
2009 How We Refactor, and How We Know It Emerson Murphy-Hill, Portland State University
Chris Parnin, Georgia Institute of Technology
Andrew P. Black, Portland State University
2009 Effective Static Deadlock Detection Mayur Naik, Intel Research
Chang-Seo Park, University of California Berkeley
Koushik Sen, University of California Berkeley
David Gay, Intel Research
2009 Invariant-Based Automatic Testing of AJAX User Interfaces Ali Mesbah & Arie van Deursen, Delft University of Technology
2009 Does Distributed Development Affect Software Quality? An Empirical Case Study of Windows Vista Christian Bird, University of California Davis
Nachiappan Nagappan, Microsoft Research
Premkumar Devanbu, University of California Davis
Harald Gall, University of Zurich
Brendan Murphy, Microsoft Research
2009 Automatically finding patches using genetic programming Westley Weimer, University of Virginia
ThanhVu Nguyen, University of New Mexico
Claire Le Goues, University of Virginia
Stephanie Forrest, University of New Mexico
2008 Precise memory leak detection for java software using container profiling Guoqing Xu & Atanas Rountev, Ohio State University
2008 Debugging reinvented: asking and answering why and why not questions about program behavior Andrew J. Ko & Brad A. Myers, Carnegie Mellon University
2008 Recommending adaptive changes for framework evolution Barthélémy Dagenais & Martin P. Robillard, McGill University
2008 Predicting Accurate and Actionable Static Analysis Warnings: An Experimental Approach Joseph Ruthruff, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
John Penix, Google
J. David Morgenthaler, Google
Sebastian Elbaum, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Gregg Rothermel, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
2008 The effect of program and model structure on mc/dc test adequacy coverage Ajitha Rajan, University of Minnesota
Michael W. Whalen, Rockwell Collins
Mats P.E. Heimdahl, University of Minnesota
2007 Refactoring for Parameterizing Java Classes Adam Kiezun, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Michael D. Ernst, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Frank Tip, IBM Research
Robert M. Fuhrer, IBM Research
2007 Tracking Code Clones in Evolving Software Ekwa Duala-Ekoko & Martin P. Robillard, McGill University
2007 Matching and Merging of Statecharts Specifications Shiva Nejati, University of Toronto
Mehrdad Sabetzadeh, University of Toronto
Marsha Chechik, University of Toronto
Steve Easterbrook, University of Toronto
Pamela Zave, AT&T Laboratories
2007 Predicting Faults from Cached History Sunghun Kim, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Thomas Zimmermann, Saarland University
E. James Whitehead Jr., University of California Santa Cruz
Andreas Zeller, Saarland University
2006 Model-Based Development of Dynamically Adaptive Software Ji Zhang & Betty H.C. Cheng, Michigan State University
2006 Who Should Fix This Bug? John Anvik, University of British Columbia
Lyndon Hiew, University of British Columbia
Gail C. Murphy, University of British Columbia
2005 Eliciting Design Requirements for Maintenance-Oriented IDEs: A Detailed Study of Corrective and Perfective Maintenance Tasks Andrew Ko, Carnegie Mellon University
Htet Htet Aung, Carnegie Mellon University
Brad Myers, Carnegie Mellon University
2005 Is Mutation an Appropriate Tool for Testing Experiments? James Andrews, University of Western Ontario
Lionel Briand, Carleton University
Yvan Labiche, Carleton University
2005 Using Structural Context to Recommend Source Code Examples Reid Holmes & Gail Murphy, University of British Columbia
2005 Data Structure Repair Using Goal-Directed Reasoning Brian Demsky & Martin Rinard, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2004 SNIAFL: Towards a Static Non-Interactive Approach to Feature Location Wei Zhao, Peking University
Lu Zhang, Peking University
Yin Liu, Peking University
Jiasu Sun, Peking University
Fuqing Yang, Peking University
2004 Extending the REpresentational State Transfer (REST) Architectural Style for Decentralized Systems Rohit Khare & Richard N. Taylor, University of California Irvine
2004 An Empirical Study of Software Reuse vs. Defect-Density and Stability Parastoo Mohagheghi, Ericsson
Reidar Conradi, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Ole M. Killi, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Henrik Schwarz, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
2004 A Tool for Writing and Debugging Algebraic Specifications Johannes Henkel & Amer Diwan, University of Colorado
2004 Static Checking of Dynamically Generated Queries in Database Applications Carl Gould, University of California Davis
Zhendong Su, University of California Davis
Premkumar Devanbu, University of California Davis
2003 Precise Dynamic Slicing Algorithms Xiangyu Zhang, University of Arizona
Rajiv Gupta, University of Arizona
Youtao Zhang, University of Arizona
2003 Modular Verification of Software Components in C Sagar Chaki, Carnegie Mellon University
Edmund Clarke, Carnegie Mellon University
Alex Groce, Carnegie Mellon University
Somesh Jha, University of Wisconsin
Helmut Veith, Technische Universität Wien