Best Paper Awards (SODA)


Posted by pxzhang on January 4, 2019
Year Title Authors
2018 Approaching 3/2 for the s-t-path TSP Vera Traub & Jens Vygen, Universität Bonn
2018 Online Bipartite Matching with Amortized O(log2 N)Replacements Aaron Bernstein, Technical University of Berlin
Jacob Holm, University of Copenhagen
Eva Rotenberg, Technical University of Denmark
2017 Subquadratic Algorithms for the Diameter and the Sum of Pairwise Distances in Planar Graphs Sergio Cabello, University of Ljubljana
2017 A (2 + Є) Approximation for Maximum Weight Matching in the Semi-Streaming Model Ami Paz, IRIF
Gregory Schwartzman, National Institute of Informatics
2016 An Improved Distributed Algorithm for Maximal Independent Set Mohsen Ghaffari, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2016 Near-Optimal Light Spanners Shiri Chechik, Tel-Aviv University
Christian Wulff-Nilsen, University of Copenhagen
2015 The Parameterized Complexity of k-Biclique Bingkai Lin, University of Tokyo
2014 Polynomiality for Bin Packing with a Constant Number of Item Types Michel X. Goemans & Thomas Rothvoß, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2014 An Almost-Linear-Time Algorithm for Approximate Max Flow in Undirected Graphs, and its Multicommodity Generalizations Jonathan A. Kelner, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Yin Tat Lee, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Lorenzo Orecchia, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Aaron Sidford, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2013 A Simple Algorithm for the Graph Minor Decomposition - Logic meets Structural Graph Theory Martin Grohe, RWTH Aachen University
Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi, National Institute of Informatics
Bruce Reed, McGill University
2013 Dynamic graph connectivity in polylogarithmic worst case time Bruce M. Kapron, University of Victoria
Valerie King, University of Victoria
Ben Mountjoy, University of Victoria
2012 Computing all maps into a sphere Martin Čadek, Masaryk University<brMarek Krčál, Charles University
Jiří Matoušel, Charles University
Francis Sergeraert, Université Joseph Fourier
Lukáš Vokřínel, Masaryk University
Uli Wagner, ETH Zurich
2011 An Almost Optimal Unrestricted Fast Johnson-Lindenstrauss Transform Nir Ailon, Technion
Edo Liberty, Yahoo! Research
2010 An O(log n/log log n)-approximation Algorithm for the Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem Arash Asadpour, Stanford University
Michel X. Goemans, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Aleksander Mądry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Shayan Oveis Gharan, Stanford University
Amin Saberi, Stanford University
2009 Natural Algorithms Bernard Chazelle, Princeton University